Well, another hot day. Another sunny day.
A morning of leisure followed by an afternoon at the beach. Lots of sun. Lots of sand. Lots of fun!
Jeff stayed at home out of the heat. (Was he avoiding the heat or just staying off my irritation radar?)
The beach was significantly less crowded than it had been on Sunday. Without the tent o' shade and shadow, set up was much quicker and I was free to enjoy the water much sooner than the previous beach outing. As Shelby and I stood looking out at the water, I commented, "People aren't out as far today."
We soon discovered why.
We didn't get far from the shoreline when neither of us could touch the bottom! It was fabulous! The water was relatively placid without the waves that crashed and foamed further out. The ocean had turned into a swimming pool. After enjoying myself for a bit, I headed in to sit and read in the warmth of the summer sun.
The horseflies seemed to think that I was some sort of picnic spread just for them and were quite a pain (literally and figuratively) but a bit of spray around my ankles solved that problem for the most part and I ploughed my way through most of Susan Wiggs' book, Just Breathe. Not my usual literary fare or fantasy or sci-fi, it was a nice beach book. Mind candy for someone who just needed to relax and not think about things for a bit.
I've actually plowed my way through quite a few books in the last few weeks. Shelby loaned me the Books of Ember series by Jeanne DuPrau. As a young reader's series, I can recommend them. They are well written and characterized with sound messages and enough depth for adolescents to do some serious thinking about the world around them as well as for adults to engage their children in meaningful dialogue. (This reminds me... I have to read the last one... Jeff was reading it and I was waiting for him to finish.)
Kristin Hannah's book, True Colors, was also swiftly devoured. Another beach blanket jewel, it dealt with love and family and revolved around three sisters.... and.... a horse ranch. Ah, yes.... I'm always a sucker for a book with horses involved.
The Diary by Eileen Goudge was a quick, afternoon read for me. Two sisters trying to unravel the mystery of their dying mother's diary and the mysterious love revealed within its pages. Had she given up the love of her life for the security of their father? Captivating.
Right. Well, this wasn't intended to be Chip's Book Corner. It's my vacation!
Right. Well, this wasn't intended to be Chip's Book Corner. It's my vacation!
Kate was a real pro with the water this time. I'm telling you.... there is the Horse Whisperer and the Dog Whisperer.... well, my niece Shelby must be the Child Whisperer. She's got the patience of a saint with children who are not her siblings and she had Kate out jumping waves. Perhaps it helped that the ocean was calmer, gentler but in my eyes she was a miracle worker!
Yes! She's standing!!
Okay, I'll be honest. Kate's new found confidence with the water makes me a tad bit nervous. Where before I knew as sure as the sun rises and sets, Kate wouldn't dip her toes into the surf and unless she wandered down the beach chasing seagulls or surf-lines she was relatively safe.Now, I'm not so sure and since her swimming skills are zero... it makes me a bit apprehensive. Ah, well, I'm her mother. That's why I get paid the big bucks. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Dinner was burgers, fries, shrimp kabobs, rice, laughter, lip smacking, giggles, and most importantly a taste of home. For some strange reason, my brother Ditto has a case of Stella Artois at his house. This Belgian beer can be found in almost every alcohol selling venue in the UK (unlike my hometown fav Yuengling) and so I did what any good sister would do when she might be missing her every day life..... I commandeered a six pack and brought it to Chincoteague! Yay me!
The Creamery beckoned and we could not resist it's siren call. Tonight's Creamery Report:
Jeff: a scoop of Oreo cookie and Mint Choc Chip. Though he had declared his orange sherbet/grapefruit sorbet combo of the other night to be something special, this blend of flavours was deemed to be "perfect."
Kate: Chocolate with rainbow sprinkles. Her fav and disapeared faster than an ice cube at the beach.
Me: Sorry my nut-haters. I had a one scoop sundae. Vanilla ice cream. Choc. Syrup and peanut butter with whipped cream and topped with a cherry. It was FAB!
No Round Ups attempted.
Please, Mum... Can we have some more?
Mine! Mine Mine!
Ummm.... Jeff? Ice cream is for eating.... not smoking.
We stopped by the Chincoteague Pony Center (http://www.chincoteague.com/ponycentre/) before heading back to the house. Many ponies were seen. Maybe I'll do a brief blog about the Chincoteague Ponies for my non-Chincoteague savvy readers. Kate suckered me into buying her a horse hand puppet. It makes a change from the dinosaurs.
A few pony pics.
Thunderstorms moved in during the night, rolling over the waters with the resonance of a drum line. Jeff actually asked me if he should be worried. "Are you sure it isn't an earthquake?" Yes, I do sometimes miss my extreme weathers. Weather in England can be a bit like its food. Bland.
Well, that's it for Tuesday. We'll find out how Wednesday goes on.... Wednesday.
Good night!