The life I love is to my husband to attend...
And I'm so glad to be in the snow again....
(Thank you, Willie.)
So, I woke up this morning and looked out the window and said, "Uh, oh... I better check the school website." Jeff groaned next to me and turned his face into the pillow in order to use some of the juicier expletives that he knows.
It was a fine snow, falling softly, straight down. The roads were sheets of solid slippery.
And the school website said, "School is open. Please use care when travelling."
Kate didn't seem too upset that she had to go. She looked hopeful when she realized I was checking the website, but when I said that she'd be going to school she simply shrugged and said, "May I have some breakfast please?"
No problem.
"Are you going to try to go to work today," I said to Jeff, trying not to sound hopeful.
"Yes," he groaned.
So, I packed two sets of lunches and bundling the girl up, off to school we went.
The walk was treacherous. The roads were skating arenas. People were driving stupidly.
And we arrived at school just fine.
Some of the moms were visibly shaken. Living too far from the school to walk in this kind of weather, they had set out by car without realizing how bad it really was.
"Hey," I said to Eleanor's mom. "I've been meaning to tell you that if you ever feel like you just can't bear to bundle up Isabelle, or push the pushchair (stroller) through the snow, I'll be glad to either stop by and take Eleanor to school or drop her off on the way home." (Eleanor lives around the corner from us.)
She thanked me and then there was nothing left to do except kiss Kate the Great farewell and trudge home.
Stamping my feet as I entered the warmth of the house, I noted the backpack sitting by the front door.... where it sat on the way out.
"I wouldn't suggest that you try to go to work in this," I called up as I took the sandwiches from the bag and put them in the fridge, then went about making tea for me, hot chocolate for him, and toast for both.
After consulting with the staff, the decision was made to cancel WOW! for the day. Better safe than sorry. I would rather we be sorry that we cancelled it when perhaps we didn't need to than be sorry that someone got hurt while either coming to it or travelling home after it.
Around noon, I looked out the window again. It didn't seem to be letting up. So, I navigated my way back to the website once more.
"Due to the weather and treacherous road conditions, some staff who have a long journey home are leaving at lunchtime today. School will remain open until 3.20pm, but if you are able to collect your child early it would be a great help. Children can be collected from 1.30pm. Please come to the school office."
I COULD leave her there until 3:20pm... but what that was essentially saying was that the school was going to turn into a mass babysitting service until 3:20p. So, 1:30pm pick up it would be.
And then the phone rang. It was Eleanor's Mom! She was actually taking me up on my offer. I can't say I blame her. I've watched her struggle along the sidewalks and roads trying to get to school and get home. Eleanor is really a sweet, well-mannered girl... it is no hardship to walk with her.
Jeff went with me... in case I needed help *herding children.* I think he just wanted out of the house.
Do I have to mention Kate was thrilled to death to see us arrive at school to take her home?
And now, some pictures... I know that's what you all are looking for anyway...