I studied dramatics in college, have performed on stage on countless occasions, and seem to be very at home just telling stories or talking to anyone who might listen.
An ex-boyfriend of mine once noted that I would probably talk to a post if I thought there was a chance that it would answer me.
And then there is Kate.
This girl will clown around for me or her dad all day long if she can. Striking funny poses, dancing silly dances. (For some reason though, if you want to wiggle your butt you MUST pull your pants down around your ankles. I'm still working on that one.) Put her in a performance venue that involves other people though.... nada.
So, did the drama queen give birth to a wallflower? (This vexes me almost as much as her lack of enthusiasm for dogs.)
I was a little..... no, very... apprehensive when I found out that the schools have a weekly assembly which the different classes are responsible for organizing. This includes the "foundation
stage" which is nursery (Kate) and reception (Kate next year - full days) combined. They had the assembly a mere 2-ish weeks after Kate started. Not very good planning in my mind. Here were a group of children who are just getting adjusted to going to school and being separated from their moms/dads/caregivers for a few hours a day and you want them to perform?
Well, let's just say that Kate got through it. She didn't really participate, but she didn't outright cry either. Then she had another in November. She was a tad bit more confident and though she didn't really sing (maybe a few words here and there) she stood and looked like she was involved. (Not that the other kids did MUCH better. )
Christmas came and with it, the mandatory Christmas play. Kate was a musician child and had to sit at the very front of the stage. I was so proud. She shook her little jingle bells with all her might and managed to sing some of the songs! I could see it now! Kate Crawford performing live and in person! Where would I find an agent?
Well, yesterday was her first assembly since then. I arrived early, as usual, to make sure that 1.) I got a seat and 2.) it wasn't in the front. Well, it didn't matter. She came in and spotted me right away. Burst into tears and wailed. Chewed her fingers most of the time. I'm not sure she even sang a note. Poor thing. Here's a little video of her portion of the assembly.
That is her assistant teacher, Mrs Downey that is with her. This woman is an absolute star in the classroom and I don't know how we would have made it through the school year without her. Kate really responds well to all her teachers and I really can't say enough good things about the staff. It's a great place for Kate and I feel very blessed that I didn't listen to some of the critics of the school and requested it as her first choice for the fall.
As for the acting career? Well, I won't sign her up for tap lessons just yet. She can just stay in the spotlight of my heart.
God Chip she is so cute !! I am glad that I have your blog now so I can keep in touch.
Thanks for stopping by!
It might be kind of slow with updates for a month-ish since I'll be back in PA for a bit!
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