After a few weeks of lovely, sunny weather and something that almost looks like a tan on my daughter (or it could be dirt... I can never be sure) the rainclouds have returned and the umbrella has become a permanent accessory again.
When it first returned, I can freely admit, I was rather stubborn about it. In denial, really. The first day, it rained in the morning but had stopped when I took Kate to school. When it was time to pick her up, the sun was shining and I was more than confident that the walk home would be dry.
Ha ha. Joke's on me.
About halfway home, the clouds opened and decided to chuck buckets of water at us. We were halfway between home and school with no where to run, so we ducked under some bushes until the worst of it passed. If you remember Kate's weather phobia, you can imagine how unimpressed she was by the whole scenario. She now won't leave the house unless one of us is carrying her umbrella.
Her Gran would call her sensible.
I call it "What fun is life without a little risk?"
This weather is NOT helping me conquer the mountain of laundry in my bedroom. Think the Fraggles. Think Marjory the Trash Heap.

Now think bigger and without all the helpful advice she gave. If trash and laundry were filled with wisdom and guidance, I would have more people visiting me than the Oracle of Delphi. I could charge admission! But, sadly, it doesn't and so I can't. I'll have to think about it though... maybe I can still find a way to make this tower o'laundry work for me.
In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to suffer having socks and underwear hanging throughout my house. Classy decor at its best.
OK so I wanted to lett you know that DJ amd I watch (and own)Fraggle Rock on DVD. We love IT !!
You need to train your wash to walk right into the washer and then the dryer... I would even pay to watch that....
the dutchman strikes from America
So many dutchmen... so little time. =)
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