I have Kate and Jeff home. (Tell me... is it a man thing that every glass or mug in the house MUST be dirty at all times?)
I shouldn't be happy to see all this white stuff, but I am.
It could have come at a better time though. Yesterday was Kate's first day back at school after the Christmas break and it was rough on both of us. Even while she was sick, she had been getting up at 7 or 7:30am through the whole two weeks she was at home for her holidays.
Yesterday morning... it was 8am and she was still in bed. So, I went in to rouse the Sleeping Beauty (or maybe it was the savage beast) and I sat on her bed, getting her clothes ready for the day.
Before I even said her name or touched her, the tears began. Heartbreaking sobbing. The kind she knows really gets to me.
She didn't want to go to school.
But, I persevered. Got her dressed and ready, and we were out the door. The walk to school was quiet, but calm.
She was sulky on the playground, didn't want to look at any of her friends.... and when the bell rang, it was tears all over again.
Handed her the book bag, the lunch box, gave her a kiss and though I felt like my heart was going to turn to dust, told her to have a good day. She cried all the way to the classroom door.
Of course, I peeked through the window to make sure she was okay... and of course, she was.
And I enjoyed an absolutely fabulous morning in town... on my own... looking at what I liked and not being in a hurry to be anywhere. I happened to meet up with Reg and Pat (from Christmas dinner) and we stopped and had a cup of coffee together.
I felt almost human again instead of some dish washing, food preparing auto-maton.
So, perhaps NOT going to school today was not the best thing in the world. But.... it's the way it is.
I'd have to say we're at about 8 inches. It's just stopped but there could be more on the way.
Here's some pictures of the whiteness. Kate isn't quite ready to go outside yet. She's too busy enjoying lounging in her pajamas.

Do you want us to send you some used snow shovels?
Jeff said he would prefer some sunshine.
Do they know how to deal with that stuff?
The short answer?
London has not been hit much if at all. So,they didn't come to the grinding halt that they did last year.... yet.
I swear, lately you get more snow than us! Enjoy it Kate!
P.S. Every time you mention one of your snow falls, I think of the time we picked you and Jeff up at the airport, for Grandmom's funeral. He was amazed!
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